Membership Categories

This is Article One from the Victory Motorcycle Club By-laws.


1.01 Qualification. The regular members of this Club shall be individuals that own and operate a Victory motorcycle, or those individuals that are interested in the betterment of the Victory Motorcycle. No individual shall hold more than one membership in the Club. Membership rights may not be transferred, assigned or devised. No member, by virtue of membership, shall have any right, title or interest in/to any property of the Club. There shall be four (4) categories of members.

1.02 Full: Any person dedicated to the purposes of this organization, showing proof of current ownership of a Victory motorcycle (or former ownership at time of inception), shall be eligible for a “Full Membership”. Full members have all voting privileges and pay full cost dues. All members on record meeting these qualifications as of the effective date of these Bylaws will be grandfathered in as Full members, however, only those Full members evidencing current ownership of a Victory shall be eligible to assume VMC Club leadership positions. Full members losing eligibility of status through non-ownership shall continue their rights of status only through the term of their current annual membership. At time of renewal, they lose Full member status, and may then, if desired, opt for Associate (if eligible) or Support membership. (This class of membership is specifically designed for those able to document current ownership.) (Following adoption of these by-laws, all newly applying former owners will be eligible only for Associate [if eligible] or Support membership.)

1.03 Associate: Any family member(s) of a documented full member, dedicated to the purposes of this organization, shall be eligible for an “Associate Membership”. Associate members aged 18+ have all voting privileges except the right to vote to amend either the Bylaws or Articles ofIncorporation of this Corporation, and the right to vote to terminate the membership of a member. Associate members pay reduced dues. Associate members may not hold VMC Club leadership positions. (This class of membership is specifically designed for family members of documented Full Members.)

1.04 Support: Any person ineligible for Full or Associate membership, who is dedicated to the purposes of this organization, shall be eligible for a “Support Membership”. Support members have no voting privileges and pay reduced dues. (This class of membership is specifically designed for former owners and anyone expressing positive interest in the Victory motorcycle.)

1.05 Sponsor: Any business entity dedicated to the purposes of this organization shall be eligible for a “Sponsor Membership”. Sponsor members have no voting privileges. Due to the commercial/business relationship of the Sponsor member, sponsor dues are higher. (This class of membership is solely for business entities wishing to show their support for the Victory Motorcycle Club and its purpose.)

1.06 Membership Fees and Dues. Member’s dues shall be subject to annual review and change.

1.07 Membership Termination. Any membership may be terminated under the following circumstances:
(a) By the Board of Directors after thirty (30) days written notice for failure to pay dues; or
(b) Upon majority vote of the regular membership at a regular or special meeting, upon a finding that the purposes, best interest or well being of the
Club will be served by the termination. No member shall be terminated under this clause (b) until the member has been afforded a reasonable opportunity
to be heard at a membership meeting.

1.08 Charter Members. Members in good standing on December 31, 2001 shall be known as Charter Members.

1.09 Meetings of Members.
(a) Place of Meeting. Meetings of the membership shall be held at such place convenient to the membership as may be designated by the Club President.
(b) Regular Meetings. Regular meetings may be held at any time, whether or not a legal holiday, and may be called by the Club President, or shall be called by him or her as directed by the Board of Directors. The members may transact such business as may properly come before them.
(c) Notice of Meetings. It shall be the duty of the club Secretary or committee chairperson appointed by the Club President to give e-mail, oral, or mail written notice of each regular, or special meeting stating the purpose thereof, as well as the time and place where it is to be held, to each member of record, at the e-mail address, phone number(s), or address of the member as such information appears on the membership records of the Club at least ten (10) days prior to any such meeting.
(d) Voting Rights. At each meeting of the membership, each member present shall have the right to cast one (1) vote on each question and never more than one (1) vote. There shall be no voting by proxies except for election of officers, termination of membership, or amendments to these Bylaws or the Articles of Incorporation. No member may hold or exercise more than three (3) proxies or the proxies of five percent (5%) of the members entitled to vote on the issue, whichever is less. The Secretary must receive proxies no later than five (5) days before the meeting.
(e) Conduct of Meetings. Meetings of the members shall be conducted in accordance with the Robert’s Rules of Order, revised. The Club President, if present or if not present the Club Vice President, shall preside over all meetings of the members. The absence of such officers at any meeting of members, the members present at the meeting shall appoint any person present to act as presiding officer of the meeting. The order of business at each regular meeting, and so far as possible, at special meetings of members, shall be:

(i) Call of roll;
(ii) Proof of notice or waivers and declaration of proxies;
(iii) Reading and approval of minutes of previous meetings or action of
(iv) Reports;
(v) Unfinished business;
(vi) New business;
(vii) Open forum;
(viii) Adjournment.